Sunday, July 8, 2012

Roast Beef with Yorkshire Puddings

Last night I made roast beef with yorkshire puddings - mmmm - it was very yummy. I had made roast beef before, but had never made Yorkshire puddings. When I saw the recipe for them on the  Jamie Oliver site, I knew I had to try them. I'm glad I did because, like all of his recipes (or at least the ones I have tried), they are delicious!!

Roast beef
Get a 1kg piece of roasting beef
Slather it in mustard
Chop up some chives, rosemary, and roll the roast in it. Preheat oven to 240°C . Place the beef in theheated oven, reduce heat to 200°C and cook for an hour for medium beef. Cook another 15mins for well done.

If you want roast veg, you can cook them with the beef.

Yorkshire puddings
2 large free-range eggs
100g plain flour
100ml milk

Put a muffin or cupcake pan in a 200°C oven.
Mix the ingredients to a runny batter.
Take out the hot pan from the oven. Drizzle some olive oil (or you can use the fat from roast beef etc if you have some and aren't making gravy) into the pan, then fill each about halfway with the batter. Place back in the oven and cook for 15minutes.

Once you have removed all the meat and veg from the roasting pan place it on the stove at low heat. Add a dash of water to deglaze the pan, and a tablespoon of cornflour and whisk until the gravy is the consistency you desire. If you need more water you can add it at any time. Note - you can also use wine or brandy to deglaze the pan.

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