Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cauliflower Purée

Cauliflower Purée is a great substitute for mashed potatoes. It is low in carbohydrates and high in nutrients, and while the taste of cauliflower is there it is a little milder than when eaten whole. Even my young niece who doesn't particularly enjoy cauliflower said it was "OK" to eat, so it can't be that bad!
It is possible to use water instead of milk, but I love the creaminess the milk adds to the dish and it doesn't seem to matter if you use low-fat or not! Milk also adds a bit of extra protein to this dish, which is a bonus.

I'm not giving you exact quantaties here, as this really is a cooking method that can be easily adapted. Obviously the more cauliflower you use, the more milk you will need.

I've paired the cauliflower purée here with a lovely steak and my favourite red cabbage and caraway, but it goes well almost anywhere you would serve mashed potatoes. 


fresh cauliflower


Place the cauliflower in a pan and just cover with milk.

Bring to a high heat and cook until the caulflower is soft but not overcooked.

pour off the milk mixture into jug - and keep it, you may need it later.

Blitz the cauliflower in the pot, or place it in a blender, and blend it until it is smooth and creamy. You may need to add extra milk from your reserve jug if it is not blending smoothly or if it is too thick.

Season with salt and pepper and enjoy!


  1. Thanks Zsuzsa! I love finding different - and delicious - ways of serving vegetables.
